
TED学院 | 英国国际发展部大臣贝茨:我难忘的一次中国行

小芳老师 2022-06-09



TED是Technology, Entertainment, Design(科技、娱乐、设计)的缩写,这个会议的宗旨是"用思想的力量来改变世界"。TED演讲的特点是毫无繁杂冗长的专业讲座,观点响亮,开门见山,种类繁多,看法新颖。


TED简介:2015 | 消费者想感觉到他们所购买的是真实,但是“大规模个性化”作者约瑟夫派恩讲到销售真实性的困难,因为,真实本身就不存在。他讲到了几个也许是人造的体验,但是仍然成就了亿万富翁。


| 中英对照演讲稿 |

Well, thank you very much and it’s a greatprivilege to share the platform with such inspirational speakers as you’vealready heard this evening. Of course as it was mentioned I have a particularperspective on China. I’ve fallen in love with China in particular one part ofit occupied by Xuelin Li and my wife.



Of all the statistics that are presentedabout China, the one which always inspires me is that no country in humanhistory has ever lifted more people out of poverty than China. Seven hundredmillion, three quarters of the total lifted out of poverty between 2000 and2010 were here in China. That should make us celebrate and take note and try tounderstand. My perspective of understanding was not analysis of the economics.It was to walk through China, to walk a thousand miles.



Originally, it was meant to be fromBeijing, the northern capital to Nanjing, the southern capital. But I walked alittle bit too fast and I got there three weeks early and Xuelin said you’vearrived three weeks early, well, now you can walk on to my home city, which isHangzhou and that’s how it became that we walk for peace to Nanjing and lovefor Hangzhou. And that was an amazing time.I remember one afternoon, we’ve beenwalking for three weeks out of Beijing, I have to say many things that are saidabout walking, but often walking as I found when I set off through Beijing, Iwas overtaking the traffic as I walked down through the various ring roads tothe five, six ring road.



And we walked about three weeks and it wasduring the August, so it was very hot temperatures.We started to climb high tothe Taian mountains in Shandong province and we moved into Shandong provinceand into the Taian mountains. And it was beautiful countryside. It’s one of thethings worth remembering about China is, of course, that a lot of people arelooking China and saying, well, it’s an economic miracle, well, it’s alreadybeen mentioned. This miracle has actually been happening almost every centuryfor the past three thousand years. We arrived in a small village calledShenjiatun, I just pictured in the mountains nowhere around, hardly a road tobe seen.


A few local houses around a local square.In the middle of the square, a great tree, an oak tree. And beside the oaktree, there was a well. We sat down from the heat of the temperatures of about40 degrees. Xuelin and I sat down beside the well and underneath the tree, andnot long before people start coming to join us and start to talk about what wewere doing, why we were doing, what we were doing.And as we sat there, theyexplain that the tree that was providing the shade was some five hundred yearsold, that the well just beside this was seven hundred years old. And we weregetting very nostalgic about this and I said to the few people over there. Isaid have you had many visitors to your village? Many foreigners come to yourvillage? And they looked at each other and they said no.



And I start really excited.I thought Idiscovered somewhere new and they said but we were not quite sure. But theperson who would know is the old man of the village. He’s 95 years old. He’slived here all of his life, apart from two years in 1943 when he went off tofight to liberate Jinan which was under Japanese occupation at the time, buthe’s lived here all his life. So they went into the field and they brought himand he sat under the tree and they said has anybody, any foreigner visited atthis village before. He said no, no, this man is the first.



I was amazed. I felt like Marco Polo. Andto capture the moment, I said to Xuelin, I said do you think that they will beOK if we actually took a photograph, a photograph. I thought hang on, they willget a little bit worry, perhaps they don’t know what a camera is, let alone thecamera can now be found on the phone. And so they all lined up and Xuelin askhim to take a photograph and they took a photograph with her phone.



And this was an amazing time. I thought Iwill give talks about this, just this experience in Shenjiatun for many manyyears to come. And then as the photograph has finished, everybody, includingthe old man, pulled out their smart phones and started to go to Shelin to askher for her QS code, so they could join her WeChat group and get copies of thephotograph. I thought that were amazed. But to me it was the perfect beautifulillustration of the ancient and the modern, the old and the new resting togetherhere in China. It was an extraordinary thing.



As we continued walking, we visited many ofthe places that the previous speakers talked about the Confucian traditionwhich is so important I think to help people understand what China is about andwhere those traditions come from, just as much as trying to understand Europeancivilization without understanding the importance of the Greek philosophers,Socrates, Aristoteles, Plato, all the Christian religion in that part of ourculture development. Confucius is critical.



And so when we were in Qufu, and weactually saw the place where he was born, the beds where he was raised and theplace where he was finally laid to rest. We began to understand the importancewhich is put not on self, but on others. And this was important to remember. Itwas this drive to serve others, to work hard to be good for others, which was areally important lesson to learn. Everywhere we went, as we walked throughsmall villages, often at the end of a hard day of walk, Xuelin and I wouldwonder where we were staying and we were going to search some dumplings or sometea in the local market square.



And in the local square, what would we see.Well, in western countries often you won’t see anyone other than young people,because the squares are associated with alcohol and pubs and often they will beplaces that the very old and very young wouldn’t go. But not so in China. Wewould see the line dancing. In fact, we used to join in with various dancersdancing in the squares with the more senior experienced dancers at the frontand the less experienced watching and taking the note and the children sittingthere in front of them and the man sitting to the side playing chesses. It wasa wonderful picture. But what reminded us was that young people and childrenare the center of attention for the Chinese.



We know how investment in young people andin children pays off multiple multiple times if you can get it. And so the factthat you would see children not just playing with other children, not just ontheir own, but actually surrounded by adults all fighting for the opportunityto look after the child. You realize this is very important in understandingChina. They invest in their future. They invest in their children. And you seethat then reflected in education.


You see the education performance, PISA, whichis the international ranking of educational performance looks at all of the countriesaround the world and where does it find the math and science performance is thebest in Shanghai. Amazing. That out of all of the countries in the world,China, which still in nominal GDP terms, is only 72nd in the world should cometop because of the importance of education.


I remember going through Suqian, and wewere walking through Suqian and at the end of the day I would stop and talk topeople who was there with Xuelin.And we were talking to an old man who wasraking the sides of the road, the sides of the road, the way that theymaintained in China is wonderful and we saw a lot of these people alwaysworking, looking after and keeping the road very tidy and free from litter. Andthis man was working in the heat of the day and I started talking and said isthis your piece of land. He said no. I said is this your job and you paid to dothis. He said no. I said so why are you doing it. And he said because work isgood for you. Work is good for you. I agree with that. I agree with that.



Hard work, so education, investing in theyoung. Hard work, these are all important lessons for the future. But there wasanother element. You see, China is actually quite a sentimental country. It’svery optimistic. There was a YouGov opinion poll which is carried out and itsaid that do you believe the world is getting better. Most of the countries inthe world it was either negative or very slightly positive. The UK came inabout 4%. In China, 41% thought the world was getting better. Amazing. So 41%think the world is getting better.



There is a saying. It says this, we see theworld not as it is, but as we are. If you are pessimistic, then you won’t seethe value in investing in the future and investing in yourself. If you areoptimistic, you are excited about the future. You want to invest in the future.Important lesson No.3 about China, it’s an optimistic world. If you come hereas a pessimist, you’ll never understand China. You need to be positive tounderstand China.



That investment in children feeds throughinto infrastructure. So many people have talked about the importance ofinfrastructure. The massive growth of high speed rail lines around the countryis quite amazing and there is still a queue of people trying to get on them.There is no empty seats on the train. Such is the demand. There is twice asmuch high speed rail track in China already than there is across the whole ofEurope. That’s quite amazing.



The investment in infrastructure we heardabout One Belt One Road is important in road ways which have doubled in size ofthe last five to six years. It’s in the growth of airports which have alsoincreased in size. Just take ports for example, because that is a veryinstructive issue. Ports, of the ten busiest ports in the world, how many doyou think are in China. Well, let me tell you, seven. How many do you think arein the United States? None. How many do you think are in the Europe? None. It’sremarkable what is happening here. Now, is it remarkable in some senses, yes,of course it is.



But we go back to this point that China hasbeen a dominant economic power through human history. It comes because of thecentral plain which I was walking right across between the Yellow River andYangtze River. It’s an immensely fertile plain. It’s surrounded by hills whichprotect it from invaders. So not surprisingly, it was always going to be aplace where civilization would flourish. It was so fertile that farmers couldactually get two crops per year. One crop that they could use to feed theirfamily. Another crop that they could trade. The prosperity that you see.



That passion for education of coursecontinues with young people beyond school age. It goes into universities. Twothirds of the population of overseas population of universities around theworld are made by Chinese. There are 17,000 students attending UK universitiesfrom the United States. There are 19,000 that are attending UK universitiesfrom India. The figure for China is 90,000.



What’s more, 78% of those young people comeback. They come back to China. They don’t stay in the west. They come back.They go and get their education and then they come back, the so-called turtleswho come back because the opportunities are so immense here. Now, theopportunities are fantastic.



But that leads us to our next lesson forunderstanding China from my walk. As I walked through towns and villages, Iwould see everywhere no matter what time of day, people would be working, butoften they will be working for themselves. You know, enterprises is very muchpart of the Chinese dream. The idea of setting up your own business is anincredibly powerful dream that people have. Many advanced economies have failedbecause of this reason that as it gone through the industrial revolution, thebig industries have sucked in all of the talent to a few small employers andwhen those industries decline and companies fail as they will, there’s no newgrowth left to take its place. Therefore, perhaps one of the most tellingstatistics that you could find about the new China is this, is that a number ofnew enterprises that started in China doubled between 2010 and 2016, ok, that’sfine.



But let me tell you what a double, too. 1.6million, still not impressed, let me put that in context. 1.6 million newbusinesses created in China is more than all the new businesses created inGermany, the United Kingdom and the United States, all those together. It’sincredible investment in the future, because people are optimistic, becausepeople are working hard and because they have invested in the future ofthemselves and of others.



And among those 1.6 million new businesseswill be the future Alibaba, the future Huawei, the future Wanda and perhaps thepeople running them are in this room today. That’s what comes when you have adynamic economy, confident about the future.



Let me come back to where I started, mypassion, my passion for prosperity, for global growth and for people to belifted out of poverty. We share that passion, I’m sure, but another one is thispeace. Everything which China has achieved over the past remarkable thirtyyears of its growth has come through peace and prosperity.It is important thatpeace is the other side to the continue prosperity. So on behalf of Xuelin andI can we thank you for this opportunity and wish you long peace and prosperity,which you can share with the world. Thank you.




备考专辑:英专听力50篇 & 20天四级单词 &  60篇高分范文  

语音单词:美音发音视频教程 英音发音视频教程 & 名师课堂100集

新闻英语:VOA标准 & VOA慢速 & BBC新闻 18BBC地道英语

歌曲TED:  听歌学英语 & TED合集 & 18年歌曲合集 & 19年歌单

美文故事:  双语美文30篇 & 有声双语48篇 & 听名著学英语

名字外教:男生版 & 女生版 & 搞笑版 & 命运版 & 外教课310合集

